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Selected aspects of behaviour vs. the level of motor activity performance in children with autism spectrum disorders

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the most destructive development disorder. Physical activity is an effective form of intervention that supports educational and therapeutic practice in persons with ASD. It regulates health behaviour and has a positive impact on, e.g., physical, mental and cognitive spheres.

In persons with ASD, the sphere of movement cannot be separated from that relating to cognitive or social development. These areas overlap and interact with each other. The study was conducted on 18 persons aged 8–12 years. The research method was participant, direct, categorised observation. The research tool was the motor activity observation sheet developed by the authors of the present paper. 23 tasks based on the MATP Training Day were used for the purpose of assessing the selected variables. The greater the degree of participation in a motor activity, when subjects are able to take up the initiative and the duration of their concentration is simultaneously longer during the activity, the higher the motor activity performance level is. Specific educational and therapeutic activities aimed at developing attention and strengthening social skills can contribute to motor independence in children with ASD. At the same time, by achieving significant independence while performing motor tasks, it is possible for persons with ASD to achieve fuller mental and physical development.

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