The Educational Research Institute stands with Ukraine
The Educational Research Institute fully supports the Ukrainian nation against the aggression of the Russian Federation.
The Educational Research Institute fully supports the Ukrainian nation against the aggression of the Russian Federation.
The 8th edition of the PISA test, the Programme for International Student Assessment, has begun. Nearly 250 Polish schools and more than 9,000 students are participating.
2022 marks the 70th anniversary of our Institute. It is a direct descendent of the Institute of Pedagogy, founded in 1952. This institution was transformed twenty years later into the Institute of Pedagogical Research, and in 1990 was given its present name. Regardless of how it is called, the focus of the Institute has always been on education and its connection to the labour market.
A review of methods for teaching research integrity and scientific ethics has been published in the interdisciplinary journal FACETS.
The Educational Research Institute hosted the second meeting of its Scientific Council, led by the Council’s Chairperson, Associate Professor Arkadiusz Jabłoński from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.
Assoc. Prof. Przemysław Czarnek, Minister of Education and Science, officially appointed the members of the newly composed Scientific Council at IBE to a new term. The appointment ceremony was held at the Ministry.
Udział w debacie dotyczącej transformacji cyfrowej zapowiedział Maciej Tauber, ekspert IBE oraz lider ZSK5.
As a result of the Institute’s dynamic development and prospects for new national and international projects, research and other activities, we are seeking to establish contacts with experts in various fields. We invite you to complete a questionnaire about your experiences, skills, areas of specialization and professional plans to join IBE’s Database of Experts.
Elections to the Scientific Council of the Educational Research Institute were held on 27-28 October 2021.