The conference will present the experiences of different countries on including qualifications attained in the non-formal education sector in national qualifications frameworks. The main focus will be on the models developed, which are based on a detailed analysis of the systems in seven EU countries: Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Ireland, Poland and UK-Scotland.

Skopje was host to a regular stream of experts on European qualifications systems in 2016-2017. October 17, 2017 was the official closing date of the Twinning Project “Further improvement of the system for development and implementation of the National Qualifications Framework” implemented under Twinning contract MK 13 IPA SO 02 15 by the Educational Research Institute (Leader) in a consortium with Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of Croatia and the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership of the United Kingdom.

Excellent scores of Polish lower secondary school students. Second grade students of lower secondary schools at the forefront with some of the best results in the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS)The Educational Research Institute announced the results of ICILS study which measures the readiness of students to live in a "digital world". The study examined how lower secondary school students can investigate, create and communicate information using a computer.