Tekst łatwy do czytania

Supporting the accessibility of education for children and youth

The Educational Research Institute is implementing the project "Supporting the accessibility of education for children and youth", financed by European Funds for Social Development (FERS).

Main objectives

The main objective of the project is to develop and validate methodological and organisational solutions supporting the accessibility of children and youth to education and to develop the competences of the education system staff in taking into account the diversity of educational and development needs in their work with children and pupils.


The project is to achieve the following results:

  • Training and advisory support for a minimum of 14 000 persons working in the education system (product indicator)
  • Developing 51 tools and sets of methodological materials for work with learners, taking into account the differences in their educational and development needs (product indicator)
  • Training and advisory support for 640 pedagogical councils in Poland (product indicator)
  • Validation of 9 solutions aimed at improving the quality of inclusive education in Poland (outcome indicator)
  • increasing the competence of 13,300 people (outcome indicator)

The project’s outcomes will make it possible to implement the expert recommendations included in the education ministry’s “Model of Education for All” into the practice of teaching and learning.

Project tasks

The project consists of four main tasks:

Task 1: Develop systemic resources to support accessibility - implemented through the following activities:

  1. Conduct and prepare a resource analysis (taking into account the products and the results of the Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme – PO WER) and needs analysis (in the context of tools, products, competences, qualifications) of the inclusive education system with particular emphasis on universal design and rational improvements,
  2. Develop, as part of the functional school assessment, a model of support for the transition between the various stages of education and entry into the labour market (from the education system),
  3. Develop and implement solutions for monitoring and ensuring high-quality education for learners – inclusive education (in formal education), taking into account the diversity of their development and educational needs.

Task 2: Developing diagnostic tools for functional evaluation - implemented through the following activities:

  1. Develop 4 packages of diagnostic tools as part of the school functional assessment,
  2. Renormalization (update standards for testing),
  3. Develop an electronic version, renormalization and implementation of standards for computer applications for tests recommended for the functional evaluation already developed within PO WER and earlier EU financial perspectives,
  4. Develop a set of tools for the multi-faceted assessment of pupils’ well-being at the four stages of education (for people aged 4–20) as part of the school functional assessment.

Task 3: Develop methodological resources in line with the concept of accessibility - implemented through the following activities:

  1. Develop 5 packages of tools to monitor the development of children and adolescents as part of the school functional assessment, including diagnostic tools for assessing the development of children and adolescents,
  2. Develop a package of e-guidebooks and methodological materials.

Task 4: Provide training and advisory support to education system staff - implemented through the following activities:

  1. Develop training materials on the products of tasks 1-3 for education system staff,
  2. Provide training and methodical support to education system staff.

Target groups

  • Education system staff:
    • teachers
    • specialists working in pre-schools and schools (pedagogue, special needs teacher, psychologist, speech therapist, pedagogical therapist)
    • heads of schools and educational institutions
    • employees of pedagogical-psychological and pedagogical clinics
    • career counsellors
    • employees of teacher continuing education facilities
    • employees of education supervisors
    • representatives of local government units (as the bodies responsible for operating schools and educational institutions)
    • representatives of the education ministry
    • higher education staff responsible for educating future teachers
  • parents
  • employers
  • pupils

The target groups will be the recipients of the tools and materials as well as the models of solutions in inclusive education developed in tasks 1, 2 and 3. As part of the task 4, the direct support of participants is planned by having them involved in various forms of competence development, while maintaining the representativeness of each function/position in the education system. The selection of target groups is based on the main objective (to develop the competences of education system staff in taking into account the diversity of the educational and development needs of children and pupils in their work, as well as the need to implement diagnostic and/or methodologies into everyday preschool and school practice).

By preparing educational system personnel in the area of increasing the accessibility of education, the sustainability of the project will be ensured. The validated results and products of the project will be the instruments of direct work with students and their parents/guardians.

We wish to inform you about the ability to report to the Managing Authority or Intermediate Body on suspected non-compliance of the Project or activities of the Beneficiary with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities drawn up in New York on December 13, 2006 (Journal of Laws of 2012, item 1169, as amended), hereinafter referred to as "CRPD". Information, notifications or complaints regarding the occurrence of the non-compliance of FERS projects with the provisions of CRPD may be submitted by individuals (project participants or their plenipotentiaries and representatives), institutions participating in the implementation of European Union funds, public parties (associations, foundations), by means of (in each of the following cases, the notification shall be considered as submitted in writing):

  • traditional mail – in the form of a letter to the following ministries: Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, ul. Wspólna 2/4, 00-926 Warsaw, or the Ministry of National Education, Al. J.Ch. Szucha 25, 00-580 Warsaw,
  • the ePUAP electronic mailbox [elektroniczna skrzynka nadawcza] of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy or the Ministry of National Education.



#FunduszeUE #FunduszeEuropejskie

The value of the project is PLN 91 579 600.00, including the amount of the European Funds contribution PLN 75 571 485.92

Date of signing the agreement: 08 December 2023

State budget co-funding: PLN 16 008 114.08

Project No.: FERS.01.06-IP.05-0002/23

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