Tekst łatwy do czytania

The “Idea Generator for Accessible Education” – a social innovation competition

The Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy has announced a competition seeking an entity (the so-called “generator”), which will reach out to teachers, educators and school psychologists active in the field of accessible education who are interested in developing their innovative ideas.

The competition is looking for an entity (or group of entities acting in partnership) that will take on the role of a “generator”, which will be the main initiator of project activities. The statutory activities of this entity must include the area of supporting the education system or supporting the development and education of teachers or form teachers. It must also have at least 5 years of experience in this area in cooperation with mainstream or inclusive institutions at the primary or secondary school level.

The first task of the generator will be to reach out to a minimum of 100 teachers, educators (special and school) or school psychologists who want to develop their innovative ideas in the field of inclusive education. The generator will support them in developing these ideas for solutions in a substantive and financial way (in the form of scholarships). Then, a minimum of 10 best ideas will be selected to be tested in practice at schools. The results of the tests will help refine and verify the validity of the proposed initiatives, and the best 3 tested initiatives will be promoted so that as many teachers and students as possible can benefit from them.

An additional effect of the competition will be to enable this community to cooperate and exchange experiences.

The call for proposals will be conducted from March 4 to April 22, 2024.

For more information about the competition, go to: https://www.funduszeeuropejskie.gov.pl/nabory/generator-pomyslow-dla-dostepnej-edukacji/

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