Tekst łatwy do czytania

Using laptops and ICT

Project aim:

The aim of the project is to prepare comprehensive support based on scientific research for the Ministry of National Education in the digitization of education.


The project anticipates achieving the following results:

  • A report with public policy recommendations
  • A report summarising knowledge on the demand for laptops and the potential benefits of improving access to them in the various sectors of post-primary education
    2b. A set of recommendations for public policy
    2c. Draft procedures for determining the schools or governing bodies that are to receive IT equipment
  • A report on the scale of the demand and absorption potential in the context of C2.2.1 of the National Recovery Plan (NRP)
    3b. Consulted draft framework for the distribution of ICT equipment and provision of infrastructure to schools
  • Report on the review of education digitization strategies and programmes implemented in EU and OECD countries
    4b. Analytical report from the research on the digitization of education
    4c. Diagnosis of the state of digitization of the education system in Poland
    4d. Directional recommendations on policies for the digital transformation of education
    4e. Materials for teacher training

Project activities:

The following activities will be implemented to achieve project results:

ACTION 1. Conduct a scientific study of the use of laptops and other information and communication technologies (ICT) in primary schools and ensuing recommendations

The context for the study is the implementation of the government's "Laptop for Pupils" programme. Using the diary survey and individual in-depth interview research tools, we will obtain information on the use of computers allocated under this programme. Based on existing data and the scientific literature on using ICT in education, we will analyse its impact on the effects of the teaching process and the mechanisms of this impact. These analyses will make it possible to prepare recommendations for public policy on further measures to make the most effective use of the equipment provided in education and the types of equipment that should be provided to equip schools in the future.

ACTION 2. Conduct a scientific study to respond to the problem of distributing the available stock of laptops to schools, together with a proposal for a selection and distribution procedure

The activity will enable the preparation of recommendations that will address the distribution of laptops intended for schools still at the disposal of the Ministry of Digitization. Based on administrative data and existing research results, we will diagnose the demand for laptops and the potential benefits of improving access to them in the various sectors of post-primary education. This will be the basis for developing recommendations for distributing the laptops. Draft procedures will also be prepared to determine the schools or governing bodies that will receive IT equipment.

TASK 3. Study the effectiveness of the framework for distributing ICT equipment and providing infrastructure to schools

Another source of ICT equipment for schools, in addition to those mentioned in the previous two tasks, is C2.2.1 of the NRP. IBE will prepare a transparent draft framework outlining the procedures for distributing ICT equipment and providing infrastructure to schools under this investment. This draft will then be consulted with stakeholders and social partners (including local governments), in order to modify it, if necessary, in ways that result in the most transparent, open and non-discriminatory allocation of technical resources to schools. The draft framework thus refined will be submitted to the Ministry of National Education.

ACTION 4. Diagnose the current state of education’s digitization, prepare recommendations, and support the implementation of the policy of the digital transformation of education (milestone C8L NRP)

IBE will provide scientific support for developing and implementing the Digital Transformation of Education Policy – milestone C8L of the National Recovery Plan. As part of this milestone, IBE is preparing a diagnosis of the situation in the digitization of Polish education to serve as a knowledge base for the formulation of a government strategy in this area. Directional recommendations will be developed for the policy of the digital transformation of education, taking into account both the current state and the anticipated future needs of Polish education. As part of the recommendations, a monitoring and evaluation system will also be proposed to assess the operation and effects of the education digitization policy after its implementation. IBE will also provide support at the stage of implementing the digital transformation of education policy, among others by preparing materials for teacher training.

Target groups:

The target groups of the above-mentioned activities are teachers of computer science, teachers of other subjects, post-primary school pupils, school directors, representatives of governing bodies, other specialists in the field of the digitization of education (e.g., from academia, technology companies, NGOs).

Project timetable: 29 March 2024 – 31 December 2024

Agreement signed: 29 March 2024

The value of the project is PLN 949 000

State budget funding: PLN 949 000

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