Tekst łatwy do czytania

Second edition of the CEE Edu Digital Summit conference on 25 March in Warsaw

The progressing digital transformation is not bypassing schools and higher education institutions – so how can this enormous potential hidden in new technologies be used? We encourage you to attend an event in which the Educational Research Institute is also participating.

The second edition of the CEE Edu Digital Summit educational conference is taking place on March 25. A wide range of international experts will try to answer the question of what to do to expand the digital competence of new generations.

The event is addressed to educators, education market experts, teachers and school directors, as well as decision-makers responsible for education and digital issues.

Representatives of the Educational Research Institute will also actively participate in the conference. Maciej Jakubowski, PhD, Director of IBE, will be a guest of the panel discussion entitled “How to teach in a digital world?”, while Dr .Tomasz Gajderowicz, Deputy Director of IBE, has been invited to the panel on “Discussions about the digital school: What does research say about how to teach in a digital world?”.

Other conference guests will jointly discuss other digitalization strategies in the sphere of education. During the panel discussions, experts will address the following questions:

  • how to teach in a digital world
  • how to develop digital competence among youth
  • how to avoid mistakes (based on the experiences of pioneers in innovative education)
  • how digitalization changes the school
  • how to combat digital threats
  • how to provide young people with the competences they need to safely navigate online

Participation in this event is free of charge.

The full agenda and registration link

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