Tekst łatwy do czytania

The Integrated Qualifications Register

The Educational Research Institute is implementing "Operating and developing the Integrated Qualifications Register as a tool supporting lifelong learning (IQR3)", a project financed by European Funds for Social Development.

Project objectives

The project aim is to increase the utility and recognition of the Integrated Qualifications Register (IQR) as a tool supporting the lifelong learning of people of different ages as well as to improve the functioning of the Integrated Qualifications System (IQS). The planned actions of the project are a direct continuation of selected activities conducted by IBE in the IQR projects funded by the Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme and are a response to the identified development needs of the register. The IQR requires constant work on adapting it to the dynamics of technological advances, changes in its immediate and more distant information environment, to modifications of the IQR itself (including the planned amendments to the IQS Act), and, above all, to the changing requirements of various groups of users.


The activities planned in the project are to achieve the following results:

  • ensuring up-to-date data in the IQR, among others, by modifying IQR power tools with the latest data from other sources (interfaces)
  • a modernised IQS portal and the ongoing adaptation of the information resources it makes available to meet different user needs
  • full implementation and development of tools facilitating the ability of institutional users to perform their tasks under the IQS Act (e.g., a tool for submitting and processing applications for the inclusion of qualifications and granting permissions for their certification; a tool making it easier to describe qualifications and assign them a Polish Qualifications Framework (PQF) level)
  • further development and provision of tools so that individual users can more easily use the data collected in the IQR and plan their educational and professional development (Zeterka chatbot, compasses), including the development of data resources that can be linked to register data, as well as with techniques and tools for their linking and processing (e.g., trained artificial intelligence models), in particular identifying the interrelationships between qualifications, occupations, jobs, and skills
  • developing solutions enabling the exchange of data between the IQR, the Database of Development Services and the gov.pl portal, as well as identifying the possibility of building analogous links with other similar databases
  • modifying tools to allow data on qualifications to be transferred from the IQR to Europass through the QDR platform, as well as cooperating with entities abroad in connection with ESCO development
  • ensuring the interoperability of the solutions/tools included in the IQR digital ecosystem
  • systematic monitoring of the IQS using software linked to the IQR that enables the automatic processing of data on qualifications
  • greater recognition of the IQR

Project tasks

The following tasks will be implemented to achieve the results listed above:

  1. Ensure public access to high-quality data on qualifications included in the IQR and related entities and the development of register functionality.
  2. Strengthen the recognition and ability to use the IQS portal and monitor the IQS portal using register infrastructure and data.
  3. Improve the IQR IT system and digital tools of the register that support IQS stakeholders.
  4. Develop tools and data resources relating to qualifications, skills and classifications, using selected techniques of artificial intelligence.

Target groups

The selection of target groups in the project was based on the FERS project category indicated in the Annual Action Plan, as well as previous experience in operating and developing the Integrated Qualifications Register (IQR) as a tool supporting lifelong learning, including the research conducted in the IQR2 project. The project target groups include IQR users, both individual and institutional:

  • Minister Coordinator of the IQS and relevant ministers managing individual departments of government administration
  • Awarding bodies, validation institutions and external quality assurance entities
  • Institutions applying to have qualifications included in the IQS and to become awarding bodies of the qualifications included in the IQS
  • Training companies, in particular those registered in the Database of Development Services
  • Schools and educational institutions
  • Labour market institutions (County Labour Offices, Regional Labour Offices)
  • Employers' organisations, industry associations, professional self-regulatory bodies
  • Sector Skills Councils and the Programme Council
  • Recruitment firms
  • Associations and foundations working on issues relating to lifelong learning and skills development
  • Higher education system institutions: universities, National Higher Vocational Schools, Polish Academy of Sciences and its scientific institutes, research institutes
  • Inter-ministerial Team for Lifelong Learning and the Integrated Qualifications System
  • Regional Coordinating Teams
  • Managing Authorities of Regional Programmes
  • Departments of education and the labour market in local, county and regional government units

as well as people of different ages interested in obtaining qualifications functioning in the IQS, planning paths of training, education, development, or looking for information about lifelong learning and the possibilities of confirming their skills:

  • Students, graduates and their parents/legal guardians
  • Teaching professionals (including teachers, lecturers, instructors)
  • Higher education students and graduates
  • Adults planning their development
  • Job seekers
  • Career counsellors, people involved in coaching and job coaching, career bureaux staff
  • Employers, including people working in HR

We wish to inform you about the ability to report to the Managing Authority or Intermediate Body on suspected non-compliance of the Project or activities of the Beneficiary with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities drawn up in New York on December 13, 2006 (Journal of Laws of 2012, item 1169, as amended), hereinafter referred to as "CRPD". Information, notifications or complaints regarding the occurrence of the non-compliance of FERS projects with the provisions of CRPD may be submitted by individuals (project participants or their plenipotentiaries and representatives), institutions participating in the implementation of European Union funds, public parties (associations, foundations), by means of (in each of the following cases, the notification shall be considered as submitted in writing):

  • traditional mail – in the form of a letter to the following ministries: Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, ul. Wspólna 2/4, 00-926 Warsaw, or the Ministry of National Education, Al. J.Ch. Szucha 25, 00-580 Warsaw,
  • the ePUAP electronic mailbox [elektroniczna skrzynka nadawcza] of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy or the Ministry of National Education.



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The value of the project is PLN 25 000 000, including the amount of the European Funds contribution of PLN 20 630 000.

Date of signing the agreement: 16 November 2023

State budget co-funding: PLN 4 370 000,00

Project No.: FERS.01.08-IP.05-0003/23

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