Tekst łatwy do czytania

Educating Vocational Teachers

The Educational Research Institute is implementing a project entitled “Preparing solutions to support the educational process of future and current vocational teachers”, financed by European Funds for Social Development (FERS).

Project objectives

  • Prepare the concept of postgraduate studies for new vocational teachers (students, graduates or experts in a given sector)
  • Prepare an internship programme for future vocational teachers (students, graduates or experts in a given sector)
  • Develop the premises of providing in-service training for active vocational teachers

Target group

  1. Candidates for the profession of vocational teacher
  2. Current vocational teachers

The concept of vocational teacher is understood in this project as teachers of the theoretical aspects of vocational education subjects and teachers of the practical aspects as well as persons who are not teachers and employed on the basis of art. 15, paragraph 6 of the Act of 14 December 2016 The Law on Education.

Project description

The project is one element of a broader strategy to provide and develop human resources for vocational education, with a particular focus on the preparation and development of vocational teachers. The project concentrates on the acquisition of qualifications and the ongoing development of substantive skills in the subject taught or classes conducted, as well as pedagogical and psychological skills.

The solutions developed in the project for training future vocational education staff will be used to launch postgraduate studies by the Ministry of National Education (in a competitive procurement) to prepare participants for the profession of vocational education teacher, thus contributing to an increase in the number of such teachers.

In addition, the recommendations for the in-service training of vocational teachers developed in the project will serve as the basis for updating the in-service teacher training offered by continuing education centres for teachers and higher education institutions, among others.

Project activities

The main activities to be implemented in the project are:

Action 1. Diagnosis of the staffing status of vocational teachers:

  • portrait of vocational teachers
  • forecast of the demand for vocational teachers

Action 2. Diagnosis of the motivations, resources, needs and barriers relating to the provision of vocational education staff:

  • qualitative research on the non-financial factors attracting and deterring people from entering the profession of vocational teacher
  • qualitative survey on the skills resources of vocational teachers
  • qualitative study on in-service training needs
  • analysis of in-service training provision for vocational teachers

Action 3. Preparation of proposals for solutions supporting the process of educating future (study and apprenticeship programmes) and improving current vocational teachers (recommendations):

  • development of selected educational programmes as postgraduate studies and development of internship programs for selected fields
  • preparation of recommendations for the in-service training of current vocational teachers

Project results

  • Developed premises for the competitive procurement to organise postgraduate studies preparing people for the profession of vocational teacher
  • Developed premises for the competitive procurement to organise the practical learning of people preparing for the profession of vocational teacher
  • Report entitled “Portrait of vocational teachers”
  • Report entitled “Forecast of the demand for vocational teachers”
  • Reviewed report on the diagnosis of the motivation, resources, needs and barriers relating to the provision of vocational education staff
  • Analysis report on the in-service training offer for vocational teachers
  • Report containing developed educational programmes within selected fields of postgraduate studies for vocational teachers
  • Report containing developed practical programmes for selected fields of study
  • Report containing recommendations on the in-service training for vocational teachers

We wish to inform you about the ability to report to the Managing Authority or Intermediate Body on suspected non-compliance of the Project or activities of the Beneficiary with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities drawn up in New York on December 13, 2006 (Journal of Laws of 2012, item 1169, as amended), hereinafter referred to as "CRPD". Information, notifications or complaints regarding the occurrence of the non-compliance of FERS projects with the provisions of CRPD may be submitted by individuals (project participants or their plenipotentiaries and representatives), institutions participating in the implementation of European Union funds, public parties (associations, foundations) by means of (in each of the following cases, the notification shall be considered as submitted in writing):

  • traditional mail - in the form of a letter to the following ministries: Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, ul. Wspólna 2/4, 00-926 Warsaw, or the Ministry of National Education, Al. J.Ch. Szucha 25, 00-580 Warsaw,
  • the ePUAP electronic mailbox [elektroniczna skrzynka nadawcza] of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy or the Ministry of National Education.

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The value of the Project is PLN 5 182 712,58, including the amount of the European Funds contribution of PLN 4 276 774,42

Date of signing the agreement: 24.10.2023

Funding from the state budget: PLN 905 938,16 zł 

Project no.: FERS.01.04-IP.05-0005/23

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