Tekst łatwy do czytania

Otaczający nas świat to system naczyń połączonych. Nauki przyrodnicze to klucz do tego, by kompleksowo opowiedzieć o nim dzieciom i pomóc im go zrozumieć. To dlatego w naszych propozycjach łącznie zwiększyliśmy liczbę godzin tych przedmiotów w szkole podstawowej. Ale rozłożyliśmy je bardziej równomiernie, by nie przeciążać uczniów godzinami spędzanymi w szkole.

Less theory  – more practice, a modern approach to education, more freedom and better support for teachers  – these are some of the conclusions drawn from the summary of surveys for school staffs and consultations conducted by IBE PIB.

We are delighted to announce the upcoming conference, "Let's Make Inclusion Happen! Inclusive Education for a Fair, Resilient, and Competitive EU"; scheduled from 17th to 18th March 2025 at the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw. This event is a pivotal component of Poland's Presidency of the Council of the European Union, reflecting our commitment to advancing High-Quality Inclusive Education (HQIE) across Europe.

A visit from Minister Barbara Nowacka, lectures from experts, references to scientific research results, presentation of examples of solutions from abroad and the activities of the Educational Research Institute in its work of supporting education – we invite you to the summary of the seminar on methods and research for representatives of the education system from the Lubuskie Voivodeship.

“Microcredentials, collegial cooperation, diagnostic testing – such methods of assessment motivate on the one hand and teach on the other,” said Dr. Tomasz Gajderowicz, deputy director of IBE PIB, during the seminar “Evaluating for Development”, held on February 25 in Cracow.

The event was an opportunity to define the role of school superintendents and school inspectors in promoting inclusive practices in education using materials developed in the project implemented by IBE PIB.

The Educational Research Institute (IBE PIB) is starting work on developing the profile of post-primary school graduates. This will be a document defining the key competencies and skills that a person should have after completing education at this level.

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