Tekst łatwy do czytania

IBE’s analysis of homework

IBE experts have produced a summary of research findings on homework with a particular focus on data from international comparative studies (TIMSS, PIRLS and PISA).

We invite you to read the publication: Prace domowe Wyniki badań dotyczących prac domowych i ich efektywności edukacyjnej [Homework. Research results on homework and its educational effectiveness].

The report’s authors gathered information from the international surveys PIRLS, TIMSS and PISA about how often homework is given in Poland and summarised research on the effectiveness of homework.

The analysis addresses the following issues:

  • Time spent on homework and the frequency of homework assignments
  • Parents' views on homework
  • Relationships between homework and student achievement
  • Issues impacting the effectiveness of homework

This is the first analysis developed in IBE’s new project: Preparation and implementation of international educational research in the area of key competences (in Polish), financed by the European Union (European Funds for Social Development programme) and state budget.

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