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Educational Research Institute at the 20th OSKKO conference in Kraków

IBE participated in the 20th All-Poland Conference of Educational Management Personnel. What follows is a summary of the conference and the presentations of the Institute's experts, which we invite you to read.

During the event, held on March 1–3 in Kraków, the issues discussed included: the fundamental problems of education, school and teacher autonomy, the core curriculum and the time students’ spend learning, the way educational law is legislated. and the status of teachers.

During the first day of the conference, IBE experts made five presentations:

  • “Polish schoolchildren after the pandemic: the picture from international research” – Dr. Maciej Jakubowski, Director of the Institute and Dr. Tomasz Gajderowicz, Deputy Director. The speakers spoke about the crisis in the sense of belonging at school evident in the research, teachers' lack of satisfaction with their profession, and the loss of at least one year of schooling due to structural changes in education and the pandemic.
  • “The learning that brings results. Educational success and the role of the Integrated Qualifications System in lifelong learning” – Maciej Tauber, leader of the IQS 6 project and Agnieszka Szymczak, deputy leader of IQS 6. The speakers pointed out that “learning is a natural process” and “Poland needs a systemic solution to support lifelong learning at any age – the Integrated Qualification System based on learning outcomes and validation is such a solution.”
  • “On the value of skills validation in school education” – panel discussion with the participation of Integrated Qualifications Register experts: Agnieszka Marszałek, leader of the IQR 3 project, Dr. Emilia Danowska-Florczyk, deputy leader of IQR 3, Dr. Wojciech Stęchły, IQR 3 expert, and Michał Nowakowski leader of the Microcredentials project, as well as invited guests.
  • “Career guidance in primary school. A Tale of the Ugly Duckling, or the benefits of structural gaps” – seminar for primary school principals, presented by Michal Danielewicz, and Maria Tulisow, IQS 6 experts.
  • “Video games also teach something, or, how can we recognise the competences of pupils acquired outside school and create development plans?” – seminar for secondary school staff and vocational counsellors for grades 7–8 of primary school, presented by Roksana Pierwieniecka, IQS 6 expert.

On the second day of the event, three lectures were presented by IBE experts:

  • “What do the results of the ICCS 2022 International Civic and Citizenship Education Study tell us about eighth graders and civic education” – Wioleta Dobosz-Leszczyńska, Paweł Penszko, Olga Wasilewska (IBE), Jędrzej Witkowski (CEO).
  • “Monitoring graduates’ careers for primary schools and school authorities” – Tomasz Płachecki, Dr. Grzegorz Humenny, Dr. Tomasz Żółtak. “The graduate career monitoring system provides feedback to the education system and schools. In developing it, we utilise user needs assessment studies,” states Tomasz Płachecki, expert of the project „Development of a system for monitoring the careers of graduates of post-primary schools”.

“Pupils in the labour market. ‘Career Without Barriers’” – Karolina Malinowska, Tomasz Kasprzak, Bernadetta Czerkawska. “The aim of the project is to support teachers and to have as many students with disabilities as possible take up a career in the future, where they will use their abilities and capabilities,” explained Bernadetta Czerkawska, expert of the “Career Without Barriers” project.

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