Tekst łatwy do czytania

Development of the career tracking system of post-primary school graduates

The Educational Research Institute is implementing the project "Development of the career monitoring system for post-primary school graduates", which is financed by European Funds for Social Development (FERS).

Project objectives

This project responds to the need to improve and expand the existing career monitoring system. The main objective of the project is to tailor the scope of information collected in the system and the manner of reporting the results of the analyses to the different needs of many categories of recipients: the minister responsible for education and formation, pedagogical supervisors, representatives of local government units, school directors, teachers, labour market institutions, employers, parents and students, as well as scientists and researchers.

The career monitoring system launched in 2021 by the Educational Research Institute (IBE) provides valuable information on the status of graduates, but leaves out several important groups. It does not include participants in the Volunteer Labour Corps (OHP), learners in the craft trade system, people requiring special education, and foreigners, including refugees from Ukraine. An important group, currently omitted in the system, are early school leavers, who account for 6% of 18-24 year-olds according to Eurostat. Information on the professional situation of graduates also needs to be supplemented in order to provide a more accurate picture of their level of employment, the compatibility of their education with their profession, as well as their earnings level. Due to the limitations of the currently functioning system, the project will extend the scope of the administrative data obtained for monitoring from existing registers (SIO, ZUS) and add new registers: KRUS and KAS data. These changes requires the preparation and implementation of legal, analytical and IT solutions, which the project will address.

An important element is also the expansion of the system reporting the monitoring results, making them available in a more accessible form to a wider range of users. Given the diversity of stakeholder needs, it is essential that they be able to self-select relevant data summaries and reports, taking into account criteria such as, among others, gender, school occupation and sector, or a territorial cross-section. The upgraded reporting system will include pre-defined report views tailored to the needs of specific user groups, support and educational materials. It will also allow users to build customised summaries themselves.

The sustainability of project results will be achieved by introducing legal, analytical and IT solutions to improve the way in which an important public task supporting the implementation of education policy is performed. Modernising the monitoring system will increase both the range of information presented and the accessibility of the results, which will be published in an interactive, clear form.

Project results

The project will work on achieving the following results:

  • Legal and analytical solutions to expand the information used in career monitoring,
  • Expanding the scope of monitoring to include new categories of people who have studied in post-primary schools,
  • Career Monitoring Portal - a system for reporting monitoring results, which will provide modules for generating monitoring reports tailored to the needs of individual user groups, support and educational materials. The modules will allow users to build their own flexible reports tailored to their needs.

Project tasks

The following tasks will be performed to achieve the results listed above:

  1. Develop the legal and analytical solutions to enable:
    1. A better determination of the situation on the labour market of graduates who are continuing their education and/or employed on the basis of various forms of legal contracts, who work in agricultural or are self-employed,
    2. An estimation of the remuneration of monitored graduates, including information on the extent of their employment,
    3. The identification of groups not currently visible in the system, in particular early school leavers, craft trade graduates, Voluntary Labour Corps participants, special needs students, and refugees.
  1. Adapt the monitoring and reporting system to the individual needs of different user groups and promote the effective use of monitoring results.
  1. Develop and implement a target IT system to process data and report monitoring results. Key stages of the task include the development of a prototype solution and its subsequent implementation.

Target groups

The beneficiaries of the above activities are:

  • The minister responsible for education and formation, pedagogical supervisory authorities and regional governments
  • Local government units and other (non-governmental) school management bodies
  • Directors of schools and educational institutions as well as teachers
  • Employers, labour market institutions and career counsellors
  • Parents and students making decisions about their education
  • Scientists and researchers studying the careers of post-primary school graduates
  • Representatives of social partners and NGOs

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  • traditional mail - in the form of a letter to the following ministries: Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, ul. Wspólna 2/4, 00-926 Warsaw, or the Ministry of National Education, Al. J.Ch. Szucha 25, 00-580 Warsaw,
  • the ePUAP electronic mailbox [elektroniczna skrzynka nadawcza] of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy or the Ministry of National Education.


#FunduszeUE #FunduszeEuropejskie

Project Partner: Information Technology Centre for Education

The value of the Project is PLN 12 938 240.67, including the amount of the European Funds contribution of PLN 10 676 636.20

Date of signing the agreement: 18.01.2024

Funding from the state budget: PLN 2 261 604.47

Project No.: FERS.01.04-IP.05-0013/23

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