Autyzm i inkluzja społeczno-edukacyjna w kwartalniku EDUKACJA
Wybrane problemy autyzmu oraz inne aktualne wyzwania inkluzji społecznej i edukacyjnej to motyw przewodni artykułów naukowych w kolejnym wydaniu kwartalnika EDUKACJA.
Wybrane problemy autyzmu oraz inne aktualne wyzwania inkluzji społecznej i edukacyjnej to motyw przewodni artykułów naukowych w kolejnym wydaniu kwartalnika EDUKACJA.
The Educational Research Institute and the “PRO CIVIS” Foundation for Education and Social Dialogue will collaborate with over a dozen institutions from 12 European countries to link the needs of the biotechnology industry with the education system. The BIObec project will be implemented for 30 months.
The 2021 Polish Intelligent Development Awards were presented at the Intelligent Development Forum in Toruń. The Educational Research Institute was awarded for its work on developing the Integrated Qualifications System in Poland.
By the decision of the Minister of Education and Science, Przemyslaw Czarnek, Dr. Robert Tomasz Ptaszek, D.Sc. became the Director of the Educational Research Institute on August 1. A meeting was held today of the Institute’s new director with Łukasz Arendt, his predecessor.
Distance learning using modern technology is already a permanent reality in the world. The situation with the COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated this process. Now it turns out that e-learning may soon become an interesting alternative also in Poland.
During the coronavirus pandemic, education moved onto a virtual platform. The remote teaching of children and youth became a dominant topic in the public discourse. But what happened to the adults who were participating in various types of educational activities? The Educational Research Institute tried to find out.
The smartphone is used in almost all areas of daily life, except school. Although most children and youths aged 9-17 years use their smartphone every day, few are able to recall interesting lessons using new technologies. Considering this fact, it is not surprising that students have a low appreciation of their digital competences and that their smartphone is mainly used for entertainment. In order to find a solution to this problem, the Educational Research Institute has developed a project called "Smartphones at school. Setting the rules of the game".