Tekst łatwy do czytania

Conference “Competence in mechanics – the field of welding in the context of the Integrated Qualifications System”

This event, organised by the Integrated Qualifications System team, focuses on current topics for the welding industry and important issues relating to vocational training. Recognised experts will present and participate in two panels – a thematic one and a discussion one – on the challenges in welding and current competence needs defined by employers.

The main issues to be addressed include:

  • qualifications in the industry,
  • competences, labour market research,
  • demand for occupations and the options offered by the of Educational Research Institute to employers in the mechanics industry,
  • the ways in which the Integrated Qualifications System and the Sectoral Qualifications Framework respond to industry needs,
  • the needs and problems of the welding industry.

This event will especially be of interest to:

  • representatives of education, higher education, training institutions;
  • representatives of local government units;
  • employers, HR department staff, business entities and members of Sectoral Skills Councils;
  • representatives of institutions and organisations working on labour market issues, public employment services and entities shaping and implementing public policies in education.

The conference will be held on April 10 in Kielce.

More information, detailed programme and links to registration  

This is the first in a series of 9 trans-regional sectoral events. The meetings, organised under the name “Industry - yesterday, today and tomorrow”, are intended to be an opportunity to provide the most current knowledge on the latest trends, innovations and developments in the industry. They will also be a place to exchange experiences and good practices in the implementation of solutions available through the Integrated Qualifications System. The conferences will also enable cooperation between entities in a given sector. Meetings are planned in various parts of Poland. They will be addressed to representatives of leading and key industries in a given region.

For more on the conference series “Industry - yesterday, today and tomorrow”, see https://kwalifikacje.edu.pl/branza-wczoraj-dzis-i-jutro/