Tekst łatwy do czytania

The Integrated Qualifications System

The Educational Research Institute is implementing "Supporting the further development of the Integrated Qualifications System in Poland (IQS 6)", a project financed by European Funds for Social Development (FERS). 

Project objectives

The main objective of the project is to increase the effectiveness of the Integrated Qualifications System and to improve it as one of the state’s policy tools for lifelong learning at the national, regional and local levels. As a continuation of previous projects on IQS implementation and development in Poland, the project is aimed not only at having a greater number of qualifications from outside formal education included in the IQS, but also at improving the processes of the inclusion, functioning, validation, awarding and quality assurance of qualifications. This will enable citizens to effectively take advantage of opportunities to have qualifications certified and make it easier for them to navigate the dynamically changing labour market.


The project is to achieve the following results:

  • develop new solutions for organising the external quality assurance of awarding qualifications, their piloting and implementation (the aims: acceleration of the inclusion of qualifications in the IQS from outside the education and higher education system, cost optimisation)
  • develop new solutions for including qualifications in the IQS in order to optimise this process in relation to various types of qualifications (market, sectoral, regulated, post-graduate), their piloting and implementation, including support to the relevant ministries
  • increase knowledge among IQS stakeholders (employers, certifying institutions) about the mechanisms for financing validation from public funds, including Regional Operational Programmes, the Labour Fund, National Training Fund, Database of Development Services
  • make it easier for citizens to plan their learning, accumulate their achievements and obtain new qualifications by promoting the Skills Audit Method and My Portfolio application
  • promote the IQS to increase its recognition in industry communities, including among entrepreneurs and industry organisations, employers’ organisations, Industry Skills Centres, public employment services
  • evaluate the effectiveness of selected elements of the system, including newly introduced ones, and develop recommendations on further possible modifications

Project tasks

The following tasks are to be performed to achieve the results listed above:

  1. Support the entities performing tasks within the IQS
  2. Support industry communities
  3. Support the development of the range of qualifications functioning in the IQS, including qualifications that are obtained through non-formal education
  4. Implement and improve IT solutions and tools to facilitate learning and validate skills; facilitate access to information about new validation opportunities, including the certification of skills acquired through non-formal education and informal learning
  5. Conduct research and analyses for the purpose of improving existing and designing new solutions important for the development of the IQS.

Target groups

The target groups of the above-mentioned activities include institutions and organisations implementing the tasks resulting from the IQS Act, including the relevant ministries directing individual departments of government administration, their subordinate institutions and those supervised by them, awarding bodies, higher education institutions, scientific institutes, higher vocational schools, Industry Skills Centres. In addition, the beneficiaries are also representatives of entities (including NGOs, industry, labour market and education) interested in describing and including qualifications from outside formal education and becoming awarding bodies, as well as representatives of local government units at the county and regional levels responsible for education, conducting adult learning and human capital development policies, industry organisations, Sector Skills Councils and the Programme Council, institutions responsible for ensuring the quality of awarded qualifications, entrepreneurs, including HR department staff. Indirectly, the project’s effects will be used by learners, workers and employers.

The selection of target groups was based on the FERS project category indicated in the Annual Action Plan, as well as the experience gained to date in implementing the IQS. Our aim is to provide support to the many groups of people and entities implementing tasks enumerated in the IQS Act, as well as those who are currently using the solutions of this system or will do so in the future. Based on the analysis described above, the target group includes:

  • Minister Coordinator of the IQS
  • Relevant ministers directing individual departments of government administration, their subordinate institutions and those supervised by them that are performing tasks resulting from the IQS Act
  • Representatives of local government units at the county and regional levels responsible for education and policies in the field of adult learning or human capital development
  • Awarding bodies, validation institutions, institutions applying to become awarding bodies, institutions interested in awarding qualifications from the non-formal education system found in the IQS
  • Industry organisations, Industry Skills Centres
  • Sector Skills Councils and the Programme Council
  • Institutions responsible for the quality assurance of awarding qualifications
  • Entrepreneurs, including HR staff
  • Associations and foundations working in the areas of lifelong learning and skills development
  • School system and higher education institutions
  • Labour market institutions
  • Career guidance counsellors
  • People of different ages interested in skills development
  • Representatives of training companies, in particular those registered in the Database of Development Services
  • Representatives of the Voivodeship Coordination Teams
  • Representatives of the Managing Authorities of Regional Programmes

We wish to inform you about the ability to report to the Managing Authority or Intermediate Body on suspected non-compliance of the Project or activities of the Beneficiary with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities drawn up in New York on December 13, 2006 (Journal of Laws of 2012, item 1169, as amended), hereinafter referred to as "CRPD". Information, notifications or complaints regarding the occurrence of the non-compliance of FERS projects with the provisions of CRPD may be submitted by individuals (project participants or their plenipotentiaries and representatives), institutions participating in the implementation of European Union funds, public parties (associations, foundations), by means of (in each of the following cases, the notification shall be considered as submitted in writing):

  • traditional mail – in the form of a letter to the following ministries: Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, ul. Wspólna 2/4, 00-926 Warsaw, or the Ministry of National Education, Al. J.Ch. Szucha 25, 00-580 Warsaw,
  • the ePUAP electronic mailbox [elektroniczna skrzynka nadawcza] of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy or the Ministry of National Education.

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The value of the project is PLN 74 000 000, including the amount of the European Funds contribution of PLN 61 064 800


Date of signing the agreement: 12 October 2023

State budget funding: PLN 12 935 200

Project No.: FERS.01.08-IP.05-0001/23

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