Selected areas of functioning of adult former pupils impacted by various systems of education

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This paper concerns the question of whether former pupils who attended various models of primary school will differ in selected areas of functioning. Two groups participated in the study: adult former pupils of the Żak Proprietary Curriculum Primary School [Autorska Szkoła Podstawowa Żak] (N=27) and former pupils of a traditional school (N=34). The respondents answered a series of questions about self-esteem, social skills, creative attitude, and self-efficacy. Former ASP Żak pupils scored higher in terms of creative attitude and self-efficacy. The study is a kind of evaluation of the school from the perspective of its primary function, which is the preparation for life in society. There is also a proposal of how to explore the prime mover of a school, and so the extent to which the school can determine the functioning of its former pupils.

Aktualny numer kwartalnika EDUKACJA

Edukacja 01 2023 okladka

Metoda ABR w badaniu opinii studentów na temat przestrzeni twórczej na uczelni – przedstawienie projektu badawczego

  • Magdalena Sasin, Martyna Justyńska, Anna Majewska-Owczarek, Monika Modrzejewska-Świgulska