Not whether or for whom, but to what extent are microcredentials needed? – this and many other issues concerning the development of microcredentials in Poland were discussed by experts gathered at the Bellotto Hotel in Warsaw on October 15, 2024.

The Ministry of Education held a gala ceremony on October 14, 2024 – National Education Day – to award the National Education Commission Medal.

The “Accessible School for All” project is developing materials to improve the competence of specialist teachers in providing support to pupils, parents and teachers, including those with migration experience.

“How to support teachers in organising and monitoring the self-directed learning of pupils. Handbook for school directors” is the next publication in the series “How to support pupils in self-directed learning”. It provides school directors with specific guidelines, tools and tips on the actions that can be taken to effectively support teachers, pupils and parents in developing independent learning skills.

The graduate profile is the answer to the question of who you want the person graduating from a particular stage of education to be. We invite you to participate in the public consultations. All comments, thoughts and suggestions will allow us to describe the skills that can be developed together and attained through different paths.

Standards ensure quality and credibility and help to build the microcredentials system in Poland – this is one of the most important premises of the Microcredentials Advisory Group meeting, which took place on September 27, 2024. The members of the Group help the experts working in IBE’s microcredentials project to develop these standards so that they guarantee the highest quality of this certification system in our country.

A presentation of the draft graduate profile, a press conference, an invitation to participate in the public consultations and a question-and-answer session – all this is what happened at the event entitled ‘Let’s do it together this time – consultations starting on the Graduate Profile’. What follows is a summary of the event.

Our thoughts at the Educational Research Institute go out to the people and communities affected by the recent floods. In relation to this, we are making available a package of materials for conducting educational activities to help those in the affected areas. They have been structured in such a way that many of the tips for coping with a crisis can be used not only by children and youth, but also by adults.