Compendium of inspiring practices for the green transition in vocational education and training

Welcome to the "Vocational education and training and the green transition. A compendium of inspiring practices," which presents 57 "green" activities from 20 EU countries, including Poland.

The publication is available in English from the website of the EU Publications Office. The compendium represents the output of the European Education Area Working Group on VET and the Green Transition, of which a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science is a member on behalf of Poland.

The compendium has 57 examples of inspiring practices from 20 EU countries, including Poland, showing green aspects at different levels of the vocational education and training system – from national strategies and action plans to local examples of solutions in didactics and educational methodology.

The report has been prepared for both those directly involved in vocational education and training and those outside the field who would like to better understand how vocational education and training can contribute to the green transition.

For more information on the compendium, visit