Tekst łatwy do czytania


The Educational Research Institute (IBE) conducts interdisciplinary research on the functioning and effectiveness of the education system in Poland. We participate in national and international research and implementation projects, prepare reports, draw up expert opinions and perform advisory functions.

We provide broad support to education policies and practices. We promote the application of research-based decision-making, and attach particular importance to those studies whose results can be used in educational policies, both at the national and regional level.

Since 1982, the Institute has been publishing the scientific quarterly EDUKACJA [EDUCATION] (ISSN: 0239-6858, e-ISSN: 2449-8998).

Since 2002, the Institute has also been publishing the scientific journal Edukacja Biologiczna i Środowiskowa” (EBiŚ)" [Biological and Environmental Education].


Diagram of the organizational structure


schemat struktury organizacyjnej 2024 07 24


IBE’s main areas of research interest are:

  • Issues relating to the concept of lifelong learning
  • Functioning of the qualifications system
  • Measurement and analysis of pupils’ educational achievements
  • Monitoring the situation of young people entering the labour market
  • Psychological and pedagogical bases of school achievement
  • Economic conditions of education and its financing
  • Working conditions of teachers
  • Social determinants of the functioning of the education system


IBE works with the central government administration and local government representatives. Our partners are key institutions in the Polish education system, including the Central Examination Commission and the Centre for Education Development. Our cooperation network also includes schools, non-governmental organisations, higher education institutions, national and foreign research centres and international organisations.

The Educational Research Institute has repeatedly proven itself as an initiator, leader and scientific partner in a variety of projects, both national and international.

The Educational Research Institute is responsible for maintaining and developing the Integrated Qualifications Register, which, together with the Polish Qualifications Framework, is a key element of the Integrated Qualifications System being implemented in Poland under the Act of 22 December 2015. The Register was launched in August 2016.

Information about the Educational Research Institute .