Dział aktualności - znak graficzny

International conference: Global Forum “Education for the Future. Challenges to Curriculum Design and Effective Implementation”

International conference: Global Forum “Education for the Future. Challenges to Curriculum Design and Effective Implementation”

The challenges awaiting the education of the future, designing and implementing effective curricula, discussions on the Polish education system, and solutions preparing students for life in a world full of change – welcome to the Global...

Conference broadcast: “The modern school and graduate of the future: results of the public consultations and next steps”

Conference broadcast: “The modern school and graduate of the future: results of the public consultations and next steps”

You are cordially invited to view the transmission of an event organised by the Educational Research Institute and the Ministry of National Education.
PIAAC 2023 results: Challenges facing Poland in the area of adult competencies

PIAAC 2023 results: Challenges facing Poland in the area of adult competencies

The results of the Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIACC) survey, coordinated by OECD, were published on December 10. The survey was conducted in 2022–23 and covered 31 countries, including Poland. The survey...

TIMSS 2023. The results of the 2023 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study have been announced!

TIMSS 2023. The results of the 2023 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study have been announced!

Poland is among the countries with the highest results for mathematics and science. The average scores of Polish 4th graders were higher compared to the results of 2019. Despite relatively good skill scores, positive attitudes towards...

Dział badania- znak graficzny

SQFs are developed with the active support of IBE experts who are working on the development of the Integrated Qualifications System in Poland.

We invite you to take a look at the IQS publications that have been thus far translated into English. The majority of the publications are Sectoral Qualifications Frameworks for specific industries.

SQFs (Sectoral Qualifications Frameworks) are a further elaboration of the Polish Qualifications Framework “translated” into the language of a specific sector or industry. They are intended to help identify and fill competence gaps. Developing SQFs serves as an integrating role for the wide range of stakeholders associated with a given industry. They contribute to the objectives of promoting lifelong learning and increasing the employability, mobility and social inclusion of workers and learners.