PIRLS 2026 pilot study begins

The Educational Research Institute – National Research Institute, commissioned by the Ministry of Education, is launching the pilot of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). This is the fifth edition of the study, initiated and primarily organized by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).

To już piąta edycja badania, której inicjatorem i głównym organizatorem jest Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Mierzenia Osiągnięć Szkolnych (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, IEA)

Głównym celem badania jest pomiar wśród uczniów w czwartym roku edukacji umiejętności rozumienia czytanego tekstu, w jego dwóch formach: tekstu literackiego i tekstu użytkowego. Badanie dostarcza rzetelnych i porównywalnych danych o osiągnięciach uczniów z ponad 60 krajów i regionów na świecie oraz szeregu informacji dodatkowych, które pozwalają poznać opinię i doświadczenia uczniów, nauczycieli i rodziców w zakresie procesów nauczania czy organizacji pracy szkoły. 

The main goal of the survey is to measure two forms of reading comprehension, literary text and applied text, among students in their fourth year of education. The survey provides reliable and comparable data on student achievement from more than 60 countries and regions around the world, as well as a range of additional information that provides insight into the opinions and experiences of students, teachers and parents about teaching processes or the work of schools.

In Poland, the survey among students will be conducted for the first time on computers using specially developed software. Administering the study this way allows us to implement innovative methods of testing students’ skills. Individual texts and questions, prepared by experts, contain interactive and multimedia elements, which promote the engagement and increase the motivation of study participants. Using the solutions of modern technologies also makes it possible to streamline the implementation process, increase the security of the transmitted data and enable more reliable results.

The pilot survey will be conducted in March/April 2025 among 30 schools chosen by a draw from three voivodeships – Mazowieckie, Podlaskie and Świętokrzyskie. In each participating school, all students of one or two fourth-grade classes will be invited to take part in the study. In addition, parents of students participating in the survey, Polish language teachers and principals will be asked to fill out their own questionnaires.

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The results and conclusions of the pilot study will be used to develop the next steps to adequately prepare for the main study, scheduled for the spring of 2026 in schools throughout the country. In December 2027, the national and international results of the PIRLS survey will be published.

Soon our representatives will be contacting the chosen schools by email and phone. We invite fourth-grade students and their parents, principals and Polish language teachers from the selected classes to participate in the study. Your involvement is crucial to the implementation and success of the entire project.

More information can be found on the PIRLS survey website , and here.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone: (22) 241 71 60.

The PIRLS survey is one of the international surveys conducted by the Institute of Educational Research – National Research Institute. IBE PIB also conducts the PISA, TIMSS, ICCS, ICILS, TALIS, PIAAC surveys.

The PIRLS 2026 survey is being implemented within the framework of the project “Preparing and implementing international educational studies on key competences”, financed by European Funds for Social Development (FERS).