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Analysis: “Critical thinking, assessing the credibility of information” – findings from international studies on education and a literature review

IBE experts present the results of an analysis of data from the ICCS, PISA and PIRLS international educational surveys, as well as a literature review on critical thinking and the ability to recognize misinformation.

We invite you to read the publication (in Polish): Critical thinking, assessing the credibility of information. Findings from international studies on education and a literature review


Based on an extensive literature review, the authors present key findings on critical thinking and effective ways to develop students’ skills in evaluating information and resisting misinformation. Then, by analysing a variety of data from, for example, international educational research, the experts sought answers to the questions of whether Polish schools teach critical thinking, whether Polish students can think critically, and whether Polish students critically approach the information found on the Internet.

The publication also includes recommendations for educational policy on developing critical thinking skills among children and youth.

The analysis was produced as part of IBE’s project “Preparing and implementing international educational studies on key competences”, funded by European Funds for Social Development (FERS).


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