Consultations are underway on the Graduate Profile

The graduate profile is the answer to the question of who you want the person graduating from a particular stage of education to be. We invite you to participate in the public consultations. All comments, thoughts and suggestions will allow us to describe the skills that can be developed together and attained through different paths.

Preliminary draft of the graduate profile –  more information and materials to download

How can you get involved in the public consultations?

In order to allow as many people as possible to have their say on the preliminary draft of the graduate profile in the consultations:

  • we have planned a series of consultation meetings – in person and online,
  • you can submit your comments using an online consultation form,
  • you can conduct a local consultation meeting yourself and send a summary of it to the consultation organiser.

Guide to organising your own public consultationsdownload

Schedule of the consultations

Registration and more information about the public consultations

Organiser of the consultations

The Educational Research Institute is implementing the graduate profile consultations on behalf of the Ministry of National Education. The public consultations are being conducted by the Stocznia Foundation.

More information about the activities is available on the website of the Graduate Profile project.

graduate profile