Open public consultation: Framework for distributing ICT devices and providing infrastructure to schools

You are invited to participate in an open public consultation to comment on the proposed framework for distributing ICT devices and providing infrastructure to schools.

The Educational Research Institute and the Ministry of National Education encourage you to read the proposed framework that has been prepared and share your comments during the open public consultation.


On the basis of the information obtained, a final version of the consulted document will be developed, as well as a report with recommendations on the digital transformation policy for education prepared by the Ministry of National Education.


We especially invite the following groups to submit proposals and comments:

  • directors and deputy directors of schools
  • teachers of computer science and other subjects
  • school administration staff
  • local government representatives
  • other persons interested in this issue

Form of consultation:

Scheduled meetings will take place online on 05.08.2024, 13.08.2024 and 20.08.2024 from 9:00 - 11:00.



Please submit comments and feedback on the Framework using the form below:


Thank you in advance for participating in the consultation and expressing your views and those of your school community.


For more information, see the Using Laptops and ICT project website.