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Youth and finances. PISA 2022 survey results on financial literacy

The Educational Research Institute invites you to an online conference announcing the results of the PISA 2022 financial literacy survey.

The PISA financial literacy survey is a source of valuable information on the level of skills of Polish students in comparison with their peers in other countries, as well as changes in the level of these skills. It helps to inspire and enrich discussions on the effectiveness of financial education in Poland and activities undertaken in this area by various institutions. The PISA study involves 15-year-olds, individuals who, as one might expect, should already possess a basic set of knowledge and skills required to make purposeful financial decisions.

The conference programme on June 27 includes:

  • discussion on the state of financial education in Poland
  • presentation of the main results of the PISA 2022 financial literacy survey
  • commentary by financial education experts

PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) is one of the most important educational research programmes and the largest international survey of student skills in the world. As of 2012, countries participating in PISA have been able to take part in an additional part of the survey involving the measurement of young people’s financial literacy. 

In 2022, 20 countries and regions participated in the financial literacy section. The PISA survey is conducted on representative samples of 15-year-olds.

the survey is conducted in Poland by the Educational Research Institute on behalf of the Ministry of National Education.

Key information from the previous PISA 2018 financial literacy survey is presented below:

  • the average score of Polish students was among the higher ones for the 20 countries that participated in this part of the PISA 2018 survey,
  • low levels of financial literacy were found in one in ten students in Poland,
  • as in other areas of the PISA survey, lower scores were obtained by students with less cultural capital and coming from less affluent homes,
  • parents played a particular role in economic socialisation,
  • 44% of 15-year-olds in Poland had a bank account in 2018, lower than the average in the surveyed OECD countries,
  • as many as 79% of Polish 15-year-olds shopped online, one of the higher percentages in the participating countries,
  • there are large differences in financial attitudes and behaviours between boys and girls.

The PISA 2018 report is available at IBE’s website dedicated to the PISA surveys. 

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