Tekst łatwy do czytania

The first conference of the series “Industry – yesterday, today and tomorrow” – Summary

The conference “Competence in mechanics – the field of welding in the context of the Integrated Qualifications System” was held on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, in Kielce. This was the first in a series of 9 industry conferences planned by the IQS team. The conference attracted a great amount of interest and gathered a large audience.

The issues discussed at the event included:

  • competences in the industry
  • labour market research
  • the demand for specialized personnel.

Opportunities for support offered by the Educational Research Institute were also presented.

Agnieszka Szymczak, deputy leader of the IQS 6 project, explains what the IQS is and talks about the conference:

The speakers of the first part of the conference focused on issues relating primarily to the labour market and the workforce needs of the welding industry.

Speakers in a thematic panel “Challenges for welding” presented during the second part of the conference.

The conference ended with a panel discussion, during which participants talked about competences, qualifications and education in the context of the welding industry.

The issue of lifelong learning was also raised, discussed by conference participant Agnieszka Kubicka, Deputy Director of the Regional Labour Office in Kielce:

“Competence in mechanics – the field of welding in the context of the Integrated Qualifications System” was the first in a series of 9 supra-regional industry events, organised by the Educational Research Institute. The conferences being held as part of the “Industry – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” series are aimed at providing up-to-date knowledge on the latest trends, innovations and developments in different industries. They provide a platform for exchanging experiences and good practices in the implementation of solutions available through the Integrated Qualifications System. IBE has planned events in various parts of Poland. Subsequent conferences will be addressed to representatives of leading and key industries in a given region.

For more information about the conference, visit the Integrated Qualifications System website.

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