Dział aktualności - znak graficzny

Top leadership of the Ministry of National Education visits the Educational Research Institute

Top leadership of the Ministry of National Education visits the Educational Research Institute

On Wednesday, June 26, we had the pleasure of hosting the Minister of Education Barbara Nowacka, Deputy Minister of Education Katarzyna Lubnauer, Director General of the Ministry of National Education Robert Bartold and Head of the...

New publication – monograph “Error in didactics” prepared on the basis of PISA surveys

New publication – monograph “Error in didactics” prepared on the basis of PISA surveys

In the monograph “Error in didactics. Causes of its formation, its mechanisms, and didactic opportunities. Based on PISA survey tasks”, Krzysztof Biedrzycki, Marcin M. Chrzanowski and E. Barbara Ostrowska focus on error and its role in...

Youth and finances. PISA 2022 survey results on financial literacy

Youth and finances. PISA 2022 survey results on financial literacy

The Educational Research Institute invites you to an online conference announcing the results of the PISA 2022 financial literacy survey.
Public hearing on the Graduate Profile

Public hearing on the Graduate Profile

The Educational Research Institute invites you to attend a public hearing on the Graduate Profile on Friday, June 28, 2024, 10:00 – 15:00.

Dział badania- znak graficzny

tomasz gajderowicz

Deputy Director for Research at the Educational Research Institute, is an experienced researcher in both national and international projects. Affiliated with the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw, he was also educated abroad, including at the University of Glasgow. His significant research achievements have been recognized with a number of prestigious honours and awards, including the Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scientists, the Dekaban-Liddl Scholarship, the "Doctors for Mazovia II" Scholarship and the START Scholarship of the Polish Science Foundation. In addition, he is a practitioner of education, regularly awarded by the Rector of the University of Warsaw for outstanding teaching achievements. He is passionate about promoting research-based teaching methods – in this area he has conducted hundreds of teacher training courses and guest lectures for foreign institutions.

As Director of Research at the Evidence Institute Foundation, he analysed data from international surveys (PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS) and advised governments and international institutions, including the World Bank, UNESCO, ETEC and the European Commission, among others, in the area of education policy.

In his research, he specializes in the implementation of modern microeconometric methods to analyse motivation and choices in education and labour. His publications include innovative methodological approaches to the study of human capital in the economy (especially the green and digital economy), linking the education sector to the labour market.

In addition to his passion for education, he is also an airplane pilot and diving enthusiast.