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Dział aktualności - znak graficzny

Survey for teachers of preschools and primary schools – changes in the core curriculum

Survey for teachers of preschools and primary schools – changes in the core curriculum

The next phase of work to adapt the educational system to the needs of teachers and students has now been launched – a survey will be conducted for educators working in preschools and primary schools.
10,000 surveys have already been completed!

10,000 surveys have already been completed!

Thank you for your involvement! Over 10,000 people have already filled out the questionnaire, helping us to better prepare the educational reform.
PIRLS 2026 pilot study begins

PIRLS 2026 pilot study begins

The Educational Research Institute – National Research Institute, commissioned by the Ministry of Education, is launching the pilot of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). This is the fifth edition of the study,...

Appointment of the Council for Monitoring the Implementation of Education Reform

Appointment of the Council for Monitoring the Implementation of Education Reform

Teachers, academics, educators, local government officials – representatives of these groups, among others, were appointed on January 16 to the newly established National Education Commission Council for Monitoring the Implementation of...

Dział badania- znak graficzny

The Educational Research Institute (IBE) is an institution conducting interdisciplinary research concerning the functioning and effectiveness of the education system in Poland. The Institute participates in national and international research projects, prepares reports, expert opinions and carries out advisory functions. From October 1st, 2010 the Institute under the Act on Research Institutions became a research institute.

The Institute is supervisied by the Minister of National Education.

Educational Research Institute (IBE)

8 Górczewska street

01-180 Warsaw
