The public debate about the IQS has begun!

The conference "The IQS – a bridge connecting education and the labour market" was held on March 27, inaugurating the public debate on the implementation and development of the Integrated Qualifications System. Nearly 200 people took part in the conference, and almost 450 people followed the debate during an on-line broadcast.

Among the participants were, first of all, social partners representing various groups of stakeholders of the system: representatives of ministries, labour offices, employers' associations, training companies, scientific and research institutions, advisory bodies and non-governmental organisations. Dr Piotr Stankiewicz, Director of the Educational Research Institute, opened the conference with a speech. Subsequently, participants had the opportunity to listen to, among others, Prof. Ewa Chmielecka from the Warsaw School of Economics, Tadeusz Pisarek from the Social Dialogue Council and Urszula Martynowicz, Director of the Strategy, Qualifications and Vocational Training Department at the Ministry of National Education. Then, after the introductory plenary session, which also provided time for questions from the audience, four parallel thematic sessions took place:

  1. The Integrated Qualifications System in the regions.
  2. The Integrated Qualifications Register and other tools supporting the development of competences and qualifications.
  3. The role of stakeholders in developing the IQS.
  4. The industry and sectoral approach to qualifications.

The participants expressed considerable interest in the sessions and had the opportunity to speak and ask questions of the panellists

2019 – The Year of the Public Debate

This conference inaugurated a series of ten meetings that will take place throughout 2019. The meetings will be an excellent opportunity to summarise and reflect on the activities undertaken in the context of developing and implementing the IQS an

Integrated Qualifications System

he Integrated Qualifications System (IQS) is a response to changes in the labour market and the economy. It is aimed at increasing the level of human capital in Poland by describing, organising and collecting various qualifications in one, publicly accessible register – the Integrated Qualifications Register. As the experiences of other European countries show, introducing similar systems increases the number of people interested in formally confirming their competences, as well as improving their qualifications. Everyone benefits from this: employees, employers, and various industry organisations.

The Educational Research Institute was commissioned by the Ministry of National Education to coordinate the work and provide substantive support to implement the system through four non-competitive projects on the IQS.
