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Educational Research Institute – a partner in the II Digital Competencies Congress

The II Digital Competencies Congress will be held on March 15-16, 2019 in Tarnów. The Educational Research Institute is a partner of this year's edition of the event. The Congress will present the results of new research in the field of education and digital competencies, as well as conduct an open debate of interested communities supporting the development of these skills among Poles.

Can VR technology support learning and didactics? How can the WebQuest method be used in Polish schools? How should today’s school use digital tools? Which digital competencies are the most sought after in the labour market? How can new digital technologies help in modernising the Polish education system? These are just some of the questions that participants of the II Digital Competencies Congress will try to answer.The event is targeted to experts, and will serve to develop opinions and recommendations for public institutions. Its aim is also to strengthen the voice of those interested in the development of digital education.

Planned thematic sessions

  • Digital Competencies of Poles – Strategies for Uncertain Times.
  • The Teacher in a World of Digital Challenges.
  • Digital Skills – What we know, what we don’t know, and what we want to find out?
  • Polish E-learning in Crisis?
  • The Digital Transformation of the Polish School – the OSE Strategy.
  • Methods, Models and Tools of Disruptive Education.


Panel discussions:

  • The Civilizational Competencies of Poles – the Challenges of 2030.
  • Financing Digital Education in Poland within the Budget Perspective of 2021-2027 – the Experiences of Projects from the 2014-2020 Perspective
  • Financing Digital Education in Poland within the Budget Perspective of 2021-2027 – Recommendations of the KOMET@ Network.


Participation in the Congress is free of charge. The number of participants is limited. The Congress, initiated by the KOMET@ Digital Education Network, is being organised by the “Cities in the Internet” Association.

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