Tekst łatwy do czytania

Conference: “Graduate Profile. What should be taught in 21st century schools?”

The Educational Research Institute would like to invite you to a conference inaugurating the project ‘Shaping competences – from profile to practice – developing a graduate profile taking into account assumptions and concepts of necessary changes in general education’. The event will focus on the topic of competences of graduates of kindergartens and primary schools and the shaping of the future of education.

If you are close to our domestic education, wondering what changes are needed to make students more willing to attend school and to ensure that learning at school brings them real benefits in their adult life, this conference is for you!

The conference will present the substantive activities undertaken in the project, with particular emphasis on the results of analytical work and research on the state of Polish education and the changes needed. The perspectives of creating modern educational solutions in the world will be presented by foreign experts.

We would like to invite you to this online meeting on 19 June from 10:00 to 12:30.

The conference will be available on the IBE YouTube channel.

Conference transmission

Participation in this event is free of charge.

More information is available from the Graduate Profile webpage.

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