Tekst łatwy do czytania

Public hearing on the Graduate Profile

The Educational Research Institute invites you to attend a public hearing on the Graduate Profile on Friday, June 28, 2024, 10:00 – 15:00.

Let’s talk about the new vision of the school and its graduates. What knowledge should they be equipped with to find their way in today’s world? What social competences should be emphasized to enable them to grow into an active adult involved in the world around us. Speaking of students and schools, let’s talk about our own future.

We would like to invite you to send your comments and suggestions on what the portrait of a student starting and finishing primary school should be – what such a child should know, be able to do and be ready for:

  • at the end of pre-school?
  • at the end of 8th grade?

The hearing will be held in an online meeting.

Please fill in the appropriate form depending on the role you wish to have at the hearing:

Speakers are asked to prepare a 3-minute speech and to register using the form by June 26, 2024 at 10.00 a.m.

The full hearing will be recorded and made available to the general public on the project’s graduate profile project website under the public hearing tab.

The public hearing is organised by IBE on behalf of the Ministry of National Education as part of the project entitled Shaping competences – from profile to practice – development of a graduate profile” including assumptions/concepts for necessary changes in general education. Stage 1: Pre-school and primary schools.

For more information, visit the Graduate Profile website.

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