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New publication – monograph “Error in didactics” prepared on the basis of PISA surveys

In the monograph “Error in didactics. Causes of its formation, its mechanisms, and didactic opportunities. Based on PISA survey tasks”, Krzysztof Biedrzycki, Marcin M. Chrzanowski and E. Barbara Ostrowska focus on error and its role in didactics. The authors assume that the problem in teaching is not the mistakes students make, but what is done with them in the teaching process.

The publication provides readers with an opportunity to present all declassified tasks in two areas: reading and science (for reasons of volume, the third area – mathematics as well as the related additional areas of financial literacy and problem solving – have been omitted). Included are tasks from all editions of PISA since 2000. The analyses discuss the skills tested, as well as the difficulties that students may encounter and which may cause them to make mistakes.

The first chapter presents theoretical considerations about error. The second chapter introduces information about the theoretical assumptions of the PISA survey and presents some methods of teacher-student work in the area of doing tasks. A crucial role is played by the third chapter, which presents an analysis of specific errors on the example of tasks from the PISA survey. The fourth chapter presents possible teaching solutions resulting from error correction work.

Excerpt from a review by Dr. Witold Bobiński:

“Error in Didactics” shows the direction of educational development in the Western world in an accessible and interesting manner – it is a direction towards understanding and reasoning, towards increasing the ability to function consciously, actively and critically in the midst of an abundant and diverse textual universe. [...] The unquestionable value of the study is that it introduces Polish readers to the PISA educational research strategy and makes available a range of reading and science tasks. It is an important, necessary and useful position – it can be a remarkable and very specific aid for teachers who are trying to develop in their pupils the dispositions and skills of reading comprehension and reasoning in natural sciences. At the same time, it is a publication that may be of interest to anyone who finds the functioning of general education in today’s post-modern digital society important and interesting.


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More information and reports on PISA survey results can be found at the survey website pisa.ibe.edu.pl.