Tekst łatwy do czytania

Top leadership of the Ministry of National Education visits the Educational Research Institute

On Wednesday, June 26, we had the pleasure of hosting the Minister of Education Barbara Nowacka, Deputy Minister of Education Katarzyna Lubnauer, Director General of the Ministry of National Education Robert Bartold and Head of the Minister's Political Cabinet Ada Guźniczak at IBE.

Minister Barbara Nowacka opened the meeting with staff by emphasising the importance of the cooperation between the Educational Research Institute and the Ministry of National Education and the role of IBE in supporting education in Poland.

Minister Katarzyna Lubnauer summarised the joint activities of the Ministry and IBE over the last six months and talked about plans for future projects. She pointed to the analyses and research already prepared by IBE that were commissioned by the Ministry, including guides for teachers in the project 'How to support students in independent learning', the publication 'Homework. Results of research on homework and its educational effectiveness', as well as important events to support changes in education, such as public hearings on civics education or the graduate profile.

The Ministry’s leadership also highlighted the effective and efficient cooperation with the Institute's team and expressed their hopes for further joint activities.

IBE’s Directors, Dr. Maciej Jakubowski and Dr. Tomasz Gajderowicz thanked the Ministers for the trust placed in the Institute and assured its support for further joint projects between the Ministry of National Education and IBE.

In the second part of the meeting, Ministry guests had the opportunity to meet the teams working at the Institute and learn about the scope of their activities.

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