Tekst łatwy do czytania

We invite you to a conference on “Trends, innovations and challenges in the logistics industry of the Łódź region”

The focus of the conference is a presentation of the latest trends, innovations and challenges facing the logistics industry. We will talk about qualifications, competences and opportunities of support available to logistics industry employers from the Educational Research Institute. We will also launch a discussion on cooperation between employers and the education sector and provide opportunities for networking.

The event will take place on June 13 in Łódź.

Among other things, conference participants will find out

  • What kind of learning brings results and what is the role of the Integrated Qualifications System in lifelong learning
  • Why is the Sectoral Qualifications Framework an answer to the needs of the sector
  • What is NeuroCommunications in the logistics industry, that is, how to write to Digital Zombies;
  • What are the results of the LODZistics cluster study of trends in the logistics sector
  • Why sustainable development and technological innovation are key to competitiveness

Finally, during the panel discussion “Cooperation between education and business – in search of optimal solutions”, we will reflect together on what should model cooperation between education and business look like and how we can achieve it.

We cordially invite all those interested in the above topics to participate in the conference, in particular:

  • Logistics industry professionals
  • employers, HR professionals, business institutions and members of Sector Skills Councils;
  • Representatives of schools, higher education institutions, training institutions
  • Representatives of labour market institutions and organisations, public employment services and entities shaping and implementing public policies in the field of education

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

More information, including a detailed programme and registration link, are located on the event’s website.

The conference is organised in partnership with the Łódź Special Economic Zone.

As part of the project “Supporting the further development of the Integrated Qualifications System in Poland”, the Educational Research Institute in Warsaw is organising a series of 9 regional conferences entitled “Industry – yesterday, today and tomorrow”, with the aim of providing up-to-date knowledge on the latest trends, innovations and developments in a given industry. The conferences are a platform for exchanging experiences and good practices in the implementation of solutions available through the Integrated Qualifications System, and also provide the opportunity to establish cooperation among entities from a given industry

For more on the cycle of conferences, see https://kwalifikacje.edu.pl/branza-wczoraj-dzis-i-jutro/


