Homework handbooks are ready for downloading!

There has been a lot of discussion about the significance of homework in recent years, as well as about its impact on pupil’s well-being. This debate resulted in a regulation of the Minister of National Education on 29 March 2024 on limiting and individualizing homework depending on the developmental age and abilities of pupils.

The Educational Research Institute has developed handbooks with examples of solutions and good practices useful in assigning homework in accordance with the requirements of this new regulation. The publications also present conclusions from scientific research on homework and discuss the various factors and strategies resulting from them for school practice.

We have prepared three parts of the handbook for teachers and directors involved in all stages of school education:

Part I. Handbook for teachers of primary school grades I–III. How to support the independent learning of pupils? 


Informator dla nauczycieli klas 4 8

Part II. Handbook for teachers of primary school grades IV–VIII. How to support the independent learning of pupils?


Informator dla nauczycieli szkol ponadpodstawowych

Part III. Handbook for teachers of post-primary school. How to support the independent learning of pupils?