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Maciej Tauber, IQS6 Project Leader, appointed to the Physical Education Core Curriculum Team

The task of the Physical Education Core Curriculum Team, established by the Minister of National Education, Barbara Nowacka together with the Minister of Sport and Tourism, Sławomir Nitras, is to develop not only a core curriculum, but also recommendations on how to implement both physical education lessons as well as sport and recreational activities.

The new curriculum is scheduled to take effect on September 1, 2025. At its core is the understanding that the acquisition of movement skills is as important as knowledge and skills in other areas. Thanks to the cooperation of the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Sport and Tourism along with the experts appointed to the Team, sport activities are to be tailored to the needs, abilities and preferences of pupils. They are also to complement other subjects.

The physical education core curriculum needs to be revised. Unfortunately, young people exercise less and less, move less and less, and have less and less motor competence.

Barbara Nowacka, Minister of Education

Our society has changed. Physical education. as we know it today is not adapted to modern needs. Not so long ago, physical education supplemented physical activity. Today it is the primary physical activity of some.

Sławomir Nitras, Minister of Sport and Tourism

Sport is important not only for health, but – perhaps most importantly – for general well-being. Active involvement in sport activities serves physical development, and – not to be forgotten – supports the development of soft skills, so sought after by employers today. We are talking about mental toughness, cooperation, regularity, readiness to develop and learn new things, dealing with adversity and setbacks. This fits perfectly with the philosophy of lifelong learning.

Maciej Tauber, IQS6 Project Leader

Maciej Tauber, Leader of the project “Supporting the further development of the Integrated Qualifications System in Poland (ZSK 6)”, has been a member of the Council for the Education and Improvement of Physical Culture Personnel at the Ministry of Sport and Tourism since 2020, and a lecturer at the Coaching Academy of the Institute of Sport. He is also a keen hockey player representing the colors of the third-league team, Warsaw Torpedoes.


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