Tekst łatwy do czytania

Methods and research seminar: Assessment for development

We would like to invite you to the next in a series of events aimed at the regional staff of the education system, this time in the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship. Let’s meet on November 21 in Wrocław and talk about assessment for development.

The event entitled “Assessment for Development – Assumptions, Challenges, Support Instruments” is organised by the Educational Research Institute and the Dolnośląskie Superintendent of Education, Ewa Skrzywanek.

November 21, Wrocław

Centennial Hall [Hala Stulecia] – Wrocław Congress Center, 1 Wystawowa St.

Seminar topics

During the event, we will talk about:

  • how to assess to effectively teach and motivate
  • assessment from the perspective of educational psychology
  • assessment for development: from assumptions to practice
  • support for teachers in assessing for development

A panel discussion “How to effectively assess for development” is also scheduled.

The audience of this event

We particularly invite:

  • directors of public and non-public primary schools
  • employees of the school superintendent’s office,
  • methods advisors

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

For more information, including a detailed programme and registration link, visit the event website.

The seminar is being held as part of the project implemented by the Educational Research Institute entitled: “Supporting the accessibility of education for children and youth”, co-financed by the European Union under the European Funds for Social Development 2021–2027 (FERS) Programme.

Project no.: FERS.01.06-IP.05-0002/23

#FunduszeUE #FunduszeEuropejskie

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