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An IBE publication: The education of children and pupils with migrant experience from Ukraine – good practices and recommendations

The publication presents a collection of good practices and recommendations for the education of pupils from different cultures. The authors identify the key barriers and difficulties of integrating Ukrainian students into Polish schools and suggest organisational and methodological changes that can support their effective integration.

In response to new regulations in Polish educational law, practical solutions for developing preparatory classes, teaching Polish as a foreign language or organising remedial classes are analysed and presented. In addition, the publication discusses:

  • methods of work in multicultural classrooms
  • psychological and pedagogical support
  • the importance of intercultural assistants

All recommendations refer to the most current legislation and scientifically proven practices.

Thanks to the various tools and strategies discussed in the publication, both school directors and teachers can more effectively support students with migrant experience, nurturing their educational, social and emotional development.

Download the publication “The education of children and pupils with migrant experience from Ukraine – good practices and recommendations.”

Edukacja dzieci i uczniów z doświadczeniem migracyjnym przybyłych z Ukrainy

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