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Dr. Marcin Trepczyński on the ZeteRKa chatbot

A presentation of the “Chatbot of the Integrated Qualifications Register – a tool for the automated support of educational and vocational counselling" was made by Dr. Marcin Trepczyński (IBE), Maciej Osowski, M.Sc. and Jakub Szulc, M.Sc. Emplocity SA) at the 2nd Science for Society Congress.

ZeteRKa chatbot is a tool that supports users of the kwalifikacje.gov.pl portal viewing the Integrated Qualifications Register (IQR).

It is located in the lower right corner of the IQR page and on each individual qualification information sheet. ZeteRKa was designed to help portal visitors not only learn about the Integrated Qualifications System or search for qualifications, but also to encourage them to seek further education or professional development.

More information about the chatbot can be found on the website of the Integrated Qualifications Register.

Dr. Marcin Trepczynski, ZeteRKa chatbot product owner and IQR expert, talks about the chatbot in an interview during the Congress:


The ZeteRKa chatbot was developed in the project “Operating and developing the Integrated Qualifications Register as a tool to support lifelong learning (IQS3)”, which is financed by European Funds for Social Development (FERS).

Project no. FERS.01.08-IP.05-0001/23

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