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"The dark side of publishing images of children online. What can we do about it?" Conference at the Senate of the Republic of Poland

This event, organised by the Parliamentary Group for Children's Rights - Monika Rosa and the team at the Personal Data Protection Office #UODO, presented the issue of sharing images of our youngest residents online. A panel comprising government representatives, experts from child safety institutions and journalists discussed the challenges and risks involved. A guide was presented, entitled “Children's images on the Internet. To publish or not to publish?” targeted to institutions, agencies, companies, organisations and individuals.

Every day, 500 million images are published on the Internet, not including video footage. As their number grows, as does the scale of violations of the right to privacy, identity theft, cyberbullying, online grooming. The scope for paedophile networks expands, as do child pornography and many other pathologies. Because of this, children and youth may sometimes face ridicule, heckling and peer violence.

The guide “Children's images on the Internet. To publish or not to publish?” was prepared in cooperation with Mirosław Wróblewski, President of the Personal Data Protection Office, the #UODO team, Konrad Ciesiołkiewicz, President of the Orange Foundation, and attorneys Monika Trzcińska and Antonina Bojanowska.

In the guide you will find a number of legal, social and ethical arguments and recommendations on how to protect the privacy of children, their images and personal data.

During the conference, various perspectives on this issue were shared by Katarzyna Lubnauer, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, representatives of the Criminal Bureau of the National Police Headquarters - Department for Combating Human Trafficking, the Central Bureau for Combating Cybercrime, the State Commission for Counteracting Paedophilia, as well as officials and social organisations. The event was attended by invited experts: Jolanta Aleksandra Rodzewicz, representing the Educational Research Institute (IBE), Katarzyna Staciwa from NASK, Marek Szymaniak from SPIDER'S WEB, Renata Szredzińska from Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę Foundation, FundacjaPozytywni.pl, and the Orange Foundation.

The free guide is available to download from the website of the Office for Personal Data Protection.