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Streamlined core curriculum. Ministry of National Education proposals and public consultations

The Ministry of Education (MEN) has prepared draft regulations amending the general education core curriculum for 18 subjects in primary and secondary schools. Publication of the ministerial proposals was preceded by preliminary drafts from appointed experts and extensive public pre-consultations. MEN's proposals took into account some of the demands and suggestions made through a special form and during online meetings by citizens and various types of organisations and institutions. Public consultations and inter-ministerial reviews are beginning at the same time as publication of the drafts on April 23.

The teaching content of various subjects will be reduced by about 20%, mainly those that are impossible or very difficult to implement in school practice.

The proposed changes involve reducing the teaching content of the following subjects:

Primary school (grades IV-VIII)

Polish language, modern foreign language, Latin, national or ethnic minority language, regional language – Kashubian, history, social studies, mathematics, biology, geography, chemistry, physics, computer science.

General secondary school and vocational secondary school

Polish language, modern foreign language, Latin, national or ethnic minority language, regional language – Kashubian, history, modern history, knowledge of society, mathematics, biology, geography, chemistry, physics, computer science, philosophy, Latin language and ancient culture, history of music, history of art.

Stage I sectoral vocational school

Polish, modern foreign language, national or ethnic minority language, regional language – Kashubian, history, mathematics, biology, geography, chemistry, physics, computer science.

Stage II sectoral vocational school

Polish language, modern foreign language, national or ethnic minority language, regional language – Kashubian, mathematics, computer science.

What are the aims of changing the core curriculum?

  • increasing emphasis on developing practical skills instead of theoretical or encyclopaedic knowledge,
  • reducing the amount of material to be mastered by students. This will translate into greater motivation to learn, the development of abilities and interests, and the formation of the right beliefs and attitudes,
  • ensuring the adequacy of the scope of teaching content – specific requirements for the number of hours devoted to teaching the subjects,
  • replacing the examination requirements in effect in 2021–2024; starting in 2025, the content of the core curriculum will once again form the sole basis for conducting the eighth-grade exam and the matriculation exam. 


The proposed changes to the core curriculum have been prepared in such a way so that there is no need to replace textbooks. In the 2024/2025 school year and beyond, students will be able to use existing textbooks. Publishers will provide teachers using their textbooks with information on which parts of existing textbooks go beyond the scope of the reduced core curriculum.

Next steps and new subjects from September 2025.

Implementation of the comprehensive core curriculum reform for preschool education and general education is scheduled for 2026 in primary schools and 2028 in secondary schools.

Earlier, as of September 2025, new school subjects are planned to be introduced:

  1. Civic education, which will replace modern history, to be eliminated successively starting from September 1, 2024.
  2. Health education, which will replace family life education. The subject of health education will be compulsory for students.

Draft core curricula for the new subjects will be submitted for public consultation this fall.

Information on proposed regulations

Draft amendments to the following regulations of the Minister of Education are being sent for public consultation and inter-ministerial consultation:

1. on the core curriculum for pre-school education and the core curriculum for general education for primary school, including for students with moderate or severe intellectual disabilities, general education for Stage I sectoral vocational school, general education for a special school preparing for employment, and general education for a post-secondary school, together with 2 annexes.

2. on the core curriculum for general education for general secondary school, vocational secondary school, Stage II sectoral vocational school, together with 3 annexes.

More information is available on the MEN website.