Tekst łatwy do czytania

Call for Papers


Education drawing upon data from the the international educational studies (No. 4/2024)

The editorial board of Education Quarterly invites submissions for a thematic issue dedicated to the analysis of data from international educational studies. We seek analyses that use publicly available databases from international large-scale assessments, such as: PISA, PIAAC, TIMSS, PIRLS, ICCS, ICILS, and TALIS, and present results relevant to a wide audience. Submissions may focus on Poland, international comparisons, and topics such as:

  • Diversity of skills and their determinants
  • Strengths and weaknesses of children, youth, or adults in terms of skills
  • Educational inequalities
  • Attitudes of students and youth and their determinants
  • Teachers' opinions and declarations regarding their practices and teaching methods
  • Methodological problems and challenges of international educational studies

We accept submissions of articles in Polish and English but we particularly welcome submissions in English.

Extended abstract submissions (400 - 1000 words) are due by May 15, 2024. Authors will be notified of the preliminary acceptance of their texts by the end of May. Full papers are expected by July 31, 2024 with an estimated publication date in December 2024.

The publication of the article will depend on its alignment with the thematic profile of the issue and obtaining two positive reviews. Details regarding publication guidelines and the review process can be found on Education quarterly website.

We plan to publish 8-10 articles, each up to 8,000 words, including the bibliography (excluding tables, figures, and charts).

Editorial board: Tomasz Gajderowicz, Artur Pokropek, Michał Sitek, Olga Wasilewska

Najnowsze artykuły

Uwarunkowania gotowości nauczycieli do doskonalenia własnych kompetencji moralnych

  • Agnieszka Buczak, Izabella Maria Łukasik

Skuteczność zastosowania wirtualnej rzeczywistości (VR) w szkoleniach wysokościowych

  • Michał Kędra, Rafał Muda, Paweł Rosiński

The opinions of adolescents on the methodics of religious education in Poland

  • Marta Buk-Cegiełka, Helena Słotwińska, Janusz Mariański, Paweł Mąkosa, Radosław Rybarski

Fear of taking math exams in the time of COVID-19

  • Jolanta Perek-Białas, Paweł Grygiel, Roman Dolata, Paulina Skórska