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Factors influencing the choice of a pedagogy study programme among Czech students in blended learning

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The choice of a field of study is influenced by many factors. This text focuses on the personal preferences and social determinants of choosing a study programme in the field of teaching. Based on selected factors (prestige of the profession, social importance of the profession, interest in working with children, etc.), the motives of the students are surveyed.The work follows the research of Prof. Marta Klímová, D.Sc. from 1973, who conducted studies among students of teacher training programmes. In the current research, parts of Prof. Klímová’s questionnaire are used, but they have been updated to reflect the changed conditions in education and the political-economic system. The studied group consisted of students of the first year of the Bachelor’s degree in Teacher Training for Kindergarten and Teacher Training for the First Level of Primary School who attend the Warsaw Management University in Karviná in a blended learning programme1. The presented study shows that students of the blended learning programmes in Primary School Teacher Training and Kindergarten Teacher Training are motivated to study to increase their professional qualifications and to pursue their interest in teaching and working with children. An important factor that positively influenced the results of the research in terms of the interest in teaching and working with children was certainly the fact that 55% of respondents had previously worked in the field of education, often for several years. The research survey showed that these respondents liked their job, and therefore decided to expand their qualifications.

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