Tekst łatwy do czytania

The new face of science education in Poland

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The objective of the study was to remind people that science education in lower secondary schools is a typical example of educational window dressing. An analysis of the results of the final lower secondary school examinations is presented, which indicates that nearly half of lower secondary school graduates did not attain 30% of the required competences. The basic disadvantage of the science core curriculum – the lack of the hypothetical character of natural sciences – is also pointed out. As a result, problem-based learning has been proposed as a method of repairing science education at the lower secondary school age. The possibility of using the 8 point method and its compliance with the 5E scheme is pointed out. In conclusion, the question is asked: was the elimination of the compulsory educational project for 15-year-old youth premature? Maybe the project should be implemented in the curriculum of grades 6-8 of elementary school. This question will soon be answered in 2 – 3 years while assessing the effects of school reform.

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