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ISBN/ISSN: 9788367385688

Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Cybersecurity

Edyta Cieszkowska, Andrzej Cieślak, Monika Drzymulska-Derda, Dr. Dawid Dymkowski, Dr. Przemysław Jatkiewicz, Łukasz Jaworski, Tomasz Klekowski, Dr. Rafał Kołodziejczyk, Beata Ostrowska, Mateusz Panowicz, Damian Parol, Mateusz Przywara, Dariusz Słomkowski, Sławomir Smugowski, Dawid Suder

Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, 2023

The Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Cybersecurity (SQF CYBER) is a tool to support the competence development of employers and employees in the cybersecurity sector. It is a structured set of competences representing the main areas of work and business activity in the sector. SQF CYBER can be used in a wide variety of companies to improve human resources processes and to help employees and persons interested in working in this field in determining their educational and career paths and further professional development. It can also be a useful tool for education and training institutions in preparing their curricula in this area. Every sectoral qualifications framework is referenced to the Polish Qualifications Framework, which in turn is referenced to the European Qualifications Framework, making it a reliable tool in assessing the competences of persons seeking employment in this field across Europe.The publication presents information on the process of developing the Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Cybersecurity, describing the context of its development, how the work on the framework was organized and the methods used, its structure, instructions and recommendations on its use as well as a glossary of relevant terms. The last section presents the actual framework – the set of hierarchized competences in the sector, categorized by knowledge, skills and social competence, written in the language of learning outcomes.

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  • Projekt: Zintegrowany System Kwalifikacji
  • Typ publikacji: Poradnik
  • Język: Angielski
  • WCAG
  • Dziedzina: Bezpieczeństwo i wojskowość, Edukacja i pedagogika